Lars Mobergs CV


I have always been interested in creative work, especially the development of new products and processes. Another major interest has been to introduce measurement technology in production in order to understand and steer processes towards better economy and quality. My many years as a manager and project manager have given me insights into how important the team is to success. In recent years, the climate issue has become increasingly important, both personally and professionally, and how industry can make a big difference by working smarter by collaborating with less creative companies and finding new technology solutions.


1970-1973 Technical program at Kattegatt upper secondary school in Halmstad

1976-1981 Master of Science in Engineering Chemistry at LTH,

1978-1979 Medic I16 Halmstad

1981-1983 Licentiate of Science in Food Technology

1983-2022 Leadership courses and courses in marketing and multivariate statistics

Work experience:

1983-88 Product Developer Van den Berg, Unilever

1988-92 Development Manager Scanfood

1992-97 Head of Department SIK (Swedish Food Institute)

1997-00 Development Manager Arla Cheese

2000-10 Project Manager Arla Foods, placement Dk

2010-12 Consultant, with focus on process control based on statistical models

2012-22 Project Manager SP/RISE

2023- Consultant

Business development:

Within the framework of EU projects, I have since 2016 worked with Scale/start-up companies that have wanted to get in touch with established larger companies that demand green technology. Business development in these projects consisted partly of helping to find forms of cooperation between the companies and partly of being support in clarifying customer benefit and market potential for the smaller companies' products and of being support in the continued development work where there was a need.

In the same spirit, I have been commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency to help identify potential larger companies in Germany that can benefit from collaboration with Scaleup companies in Sweden in order to develop green technology. The challenge was to review the business offering, define technology maturity and support the smaller companies in adapting and developing the product range that fits into the larger company's product portfolio

Production and supply chain development:

Work out organizational forms and aids that make it easier for operators on the floor to make decisions about how production can be optimized. In this Vinova project, software for real-time production analysis was developed and how a flexible organization could be developed that could take advantage of this real-time data for optimal control of processes

Develop and implement statistical aids/models that kept track of production parameters not falling outside established criteria. This tool took into account both univariate as well as multivariate associations, which meant that in the latter case it was possible to detect association effects, positive as well as negative. With these models, it was possible to find optimal process conditions for different raw materials as well as production technical factors.


  • Mentor/coach both internally and externally
  • Brainstorming facilitator in various development projects
  • Been responsible for introducing statistical aids at several of my different workplaces


  • Innovation Pioneers
  • Partners from Denmark. UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium in the framework of two EU projects 2016-2022


Married to Åsa, teacher, two children, Martina 89 and Pontus 94

Interests: Sailing, golf and motorcycle ridingr your text here...