Mats Nilssons CV


Married to Christina Nilsson Vallinder, preschool teacher, and Gustav born -84 and Oskar born -89.

Hobbies: Folk dance, judo, physical exercise, stock portfolio with local small/medium-sized listed companies


Bonnapåg from Linderödsåsen, in the middle of Skåne!


1971-1974 Natural science at upper secondary school in Eslöv

1974-1975 Fire Controller on A3 in Kristianstad

1975-1979 Master of Science in Engineering Physics at LTH, built CO2 Laser as a degree project

1980 Economics and Law at Lund University

Work experience

1980-2020 Alfa Laval in Lund

1980-84 Production techniques for laser welding of plate heat exchangers

1984-90 Concept development manager for plate heat exchangers

1990-99 Product Development Manager for Plate Heat Exchangers

2000-07 Product Development Manager for Brazed Heat Exchangers

2007-17 Technology Development Manager for Heat Exchangers

2017-20 Project leader and advisor to management Coaching by AlfDex, Alfa Laval owns 50%, map the startetic.The product plan's adaptation to future environmental requirements

2020-2024 NiVander Consulting AB, started the consulting company in January 2020.

Assignment from Alfa Laval in Lund 40%:

  • Hydrogen technologies
  • Energy systems with hydrogen as an energy carrier
  • EU project; Heat pumps, geothermal energy, energy storage, heat recovery
  • HighEff project; More energy-efficient and environmentally friendly industrial processes
  • Mistra projects; Misum, "Sustainable business models". The MISUM collaboration; Mistra-School of Business-Economics-Alfa Laval. Evaluate and implement new business models with synergies to future customer requirements on evaluation of future quotations with a focus on "lifecycle cost" and "Total value of ownership" instead of price.

Business development: Identified new business opportunities:

  • On behalf of Alfa Laval Corporate, identify new business opportunities with existing customers and new products based on technologies that have synergies with Alfa Laval's technology portfolio and propose an action plan for the development of new products with sustainable materials and with synergies to existing product portfolios. and production technology and suggest suitable partners to minimize the lead time to commercialization.
  • More energy efficient production systems: Mission to reduce the energy requirement for production systems that require cooling of batch processes during the day by integrating PCM, Phase Change Material, into a plate heat exchanger that stores cooling during the night and adds cooling power during the day, thereby reducing the energy demand from the cooling system, "peak shaving".
  • Supply chains: Assignment to coordinate Material supplier - component supplier - system builder: On behalf of the component supplier, the system builder's requirements for the energy system's lifespan have been anchored with the material supplier, who therefore presented several alternative materials to the component supplier that are evaluated by the system supplier using components manufactured in the alternative materials. The evaluation that is underway in a prototype system will show which material meets the system builder's lifetime requirements.

  • Assignment from Hymeth AB in Malmö 5%: Technical advice on alkaline electrolysers
  • Assignment from Stirlingversal AB in Lund 5%: Technical advice on energy systems with biogas as an energy carrier


  • Gustaf Award for successful innovations
  • 10 patents for compact heat exchangers
  • Certified intercultural mentor/coach
  • Brainstorming Facilitator


  • Innovation pioneers; Participated in the founding in 2006 of the innovation network for about 20 Swedish industrial companies and I was chairman in 2008
  • Copenhagen Roundtable, global innovation network
  • Cleantech Inn, network for collaboration between small innovation companies and large companies